This past weekend, the family and I went to Bear Lake. This is probably our first real camping trip as a whole family, we don't camp much. Some don't consider it camping, because we stayed in trailers, but to me, it was definitely camping. Most of us got there just before dinner time Friday night, we had burgers and hot dogs. They were great, thanks to Chief and Gage. And for dessert, we had pudding and dutch oven peach cobbler. Yum. It got pretty chilly about then, so into the trailer we went. Joni taught us a really fun card game, called pounce? I think. I kept calling it the wrong name, so who knows what it really is? We all had fun with that, Me and Kenna don't make a very good team though. Gage was out with Chief cleaning up after us, so I got paired up with her. Everyone scored somewhere in the 60's or better, and we scored 26. Pathetic. After that, Kenna tried to make us play with face cards, but we didn't give into her sinful ways. Ha ha. Just kidding Kenna, I love you. We were all tired from the long drive up there, so we were ready to crash, but we decided to stay up and wait for Lindsay and the gang to get there. The Girls are so dang cute. You could tell that Brin was way excited to be there. That night we all separated into the different trailers for bed, except for Mom, Dad, Cass, Gage, and Mike. They slept in tents. Poor Guys. It was freezing. They survived though, surprisingly. Cass said she was way warm, in her sleeping bag inside another sleeping bag. Nate woke us up at 6:45. What a butt. I could have slept a lot longer. He said he didn't want to waste away his vacation with sleep, so we had to wake up. We had some cold cereal for breakfast, which was bad, cause we were all freezing anyway. But Gage cooked up some hot chocolate for us. After breakfast, I went back in the warm trailer and fell asleep till we were all ready to go down to the lake. I was one of the first ready, even after waking up after everyone else. So Travis, Gage and I lugged the boat down to the lake and got started. We saw some huge, nasty looking fish, which freaked me out. I don't like fish. So I made Trav get in the water first. After he proved his skills on the wake board, it was my turn. I'd never water skied or wake boarded in my life, so I was sure it was going to be tricky. Gage gave me around 30 tries to get up, and I only got up twice. Ha ha. But I did get up! And I'm way excited about that! Now I can say that I've wake boarded, isn't that sweet? Yeah, I know. :) I'm feelin' it now though. I'm really sore. I can hardly grip anything and I can't pick up anything heavy. We had a blast though, and to finish off our trip, we got Raspberry shakes from La Beaus. Tradition! You can't go to Bear Lake without getting one.
Now we're home and getting back into the work week, but we all had a blast! Thank you Crabtree Family!